12 most popular questions about enrollment for EPAM University Programs
10 Mar 2020

Everything you wanted to know about EPAM University Programs but were afraid to ask.  

We regularly hold events for those interested in educational programs and opportunities for future work in IT. All kinds of people come to these meetings - from students to lawyers with ten years of experience. And they ask all kinds of questions. A lot of questions. Together with Vladimir Yantsov, EPAM Talent Acquisition Manager, we have gathered almost every question that may be of interest to you and gave comprehensive answers in this material. 

1. What does EPAM stand for? 

EPAM is an acronym for the phrase "Effective Programming for America." The name is connected to a history of the company’s foundation. In 1993, in Belarus, more precisely in Minsk, Arkadyi Dobkin and Leonid Lozner created a startup called EPAM, which developed solutions for American companies. Keeping the spirit of that startup even now, when the company is represented globally in more than 30 countries, cooperates with world giants and has more than 36 thousand employees, is very important for EPAM. 

2. Is it possible to study online at EPAM? What is this course - FrontEnd Online? 

Yes, EPAM University is gradually going online. Our first attempt was the FrontEnd Online course. During two previous iterations over 1,000 candidates completed training. Key features of the program are an automation of processes by using bots and a convenient online format that gives a chance to learn, even if there are no EPAM offices in your city. The company, and EPAM University Programs in particular, are moving toward ever greater openness nationwide. The introduction of a blended training format also contributes to this process. The blended training format is a mix of online lectures and workshops under the supervision of production instructors. 

3. What is the training schedule? 

At the first stage, an external course, classes are held in the evening, they may start between 5 PM to 7 PM. 

Classes in the second stage, pre-production lab, usually take place on weekdays, from 10 AM to 6 PM but the schedule may vary depending on the lecturers. 

4. What is the minimum amount of knowledge required from candidates? 

Logical thinking, understanding of OOP, knowledge of algorithms and data structures. And, of course, basic skills in the chosen direction. The programs are designed in such a way that a third-year student of a technical specialty will have enough skills acquired in a university. And do not forget about English and soft skills. 

5. On what year in university I need to be to join the program? 

Primarily, third and senior year students, graduate students, and graduates are considered to participate in the program. Technical education is desirable, but not required. 

We advise second-year students to apply starting from the second semester (February and later). 

Admissions to groups are made according to technical computer test results and after checking English language level during an interview with a recruiter. 

6. What level of English is sufficient to be admitted to the program? 

Ideally you should speak English at level B1 according to the CEFR foreign language proficiency standards. The higher the level, the better for you as it opens more interesting opportunities in a future career. But keep in mind that the emphasis is made on spoken English. Unfortunately, the “I can read / understand / write” approach does not work. 

7. Is it possible to take a break in training and resume studies from the starting point in the next course? 

After the first stage of training, students pass a technical interview or defend an individual project. In case the defense has been successful, but a student is not ready to continue training right now for any viable reason or because of some unforeseen circumstances, they may have this option, but this is rather an exception to the rule. 

8. What direction is in the demand right now? 

For several years now, the most popular are classic directions - Java, FE / JS, manual and automated testing. 

9. How long does the training take? When will I be transferred to production? 

95-98% of program graduates who have successfully completed all stages of training – the external course and pre-production lab - receive an offer from the company. On average, the entire program, both of its stages, takes up to 4-5 months, after that the graduate may be offered to cooperate with the company as a junior specialist. But there are exceptions – students go through the program at different pace, someone goes faster, someone goes more slowly. It all depends on the motivation and determination of students, their ability to prioritize and manage their time. 

10. When is an upcoming start of Devops / Java / BA/… direction? 

The only place you could enroll for the program in Ukraine is the Training Portal - Those who wish should register on the portal and then specifically for the chosen direction if it is open for registration. Information about the directions’ start is also available in the EPAM University channels in social media. 

11. What new directions have been opened or are planned in 2020? 

In Ukraine, EPAM has five locations - Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkov, Dnipro, Vinnitsa. In each of them, new directions are being opened. In 2019, these were Python, PHP, Security Testing, BA. And this is not to mention the growing demand for such "non-technical" directions as HR, TA, Marketing, Content Creation, Content Visualization. 

12. How to build a career in EPAM? Are there any special programs? 

If you begin to work with the company after you have completed your training, you will have quite a few opportunities for growth. 

At EPAM, there is a practice of developing your own career advancement - Personal Development Plan (PDP), which is essentially a step-by-step to-do list. 

In addition, the company’s People Specialists will help you correctly and clearly formulate your goals and follow them. 

Apart from EPAM University Programs, the company has two more departments for employee training - Learn & Development and the English Department. They offer many training programs in various formats - lectures, webinars, trainings, etc. It is also worth mentioning a special mentoring program, when specialists could become mentee and get advice from a mentor in mastering the technology or become mentors in the future. 

Still have questions? Let us know and we will try to answer them in the following materials.